Dr. Bódai, Tamás

Bodai Tamas

Last modified: 20. September 2023

    Dr. Bódai, Tamás

   Reader in Applied Statistics

   Scientific Achievements: PhD (2009)

    E-mail: bodai.tamas@uni-mate.hu 

Organizational unit:

Department of Applied Statistics

Professional Experience:

  • 2019 July – 2023 June:
    IBS Center for Climate Physics, Pusan National University (PNU), Busan, KoreaTitle of position: Research professor of PNU, recipient of the Young Scientist Fellowship of IBS, Project PIProject: FORced RESponse of the climate system: Towards efficient impact assessment

  • 2017 January – 2019 March:
    Centre for the Mathematics of Planet EarthDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics, University of ReadingTitle of position: Postdoctoral research fellow 

  • 2013 February – 2016 December:
    Theoretical Meteorology, Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg Title of position: Postdoctoral research fellow 

  • 2011 September – 2013 January:
    Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems Title of position: Visiting scientist
  • 2010 June – 2011 August:
    Department of Theoretical Physics, Loránd Eötvös University Title of position: Postdoctoral research fellow
  • 2008 January – 2010 May:
    Green Ocean Energy LimitedTitle of position: Analyst engineer 


  • 2004 – 2009 PhD in Engineering Sciences
    School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, Thesis title: Nonlinear ray dynamics in underwater acoustics
  • 1999 – 2004 MSc in Mechanical Engineering (First Class Honours)
    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
  • 2002 – 2004 Specialisation in applied mechanics and engineering mathematics
    Thesis title: Nonlinear dynamics of a pneumatic valve (written up at the Department of Engineering Mathematics, University of Bristol, supervised by John Hogan)


  • Forced response of the climate system, with particular view towards teleconnections, extremes, nonlinearities and tipping
  • Snapshot/pullback attractors, response theory, fluctuation-dissipation relations, climate sensitivity, application to geoengineering assessment, climate emulator development
  • Statistics and predictability of extremes in deterministic and stochastic systems
  • Critical transitions, transient chaos, nonergodicity of the climate system


  • 2022 Extension of the YSF for 2 years 
  • 3 years from July 2019 Young Scientist Fellowship of the Institute for Basic Science, Korea
  • 2011 (>1 years) Visiting scholarship awarded by the Max Planck Society
  • For 36 months from November 2004 PhD Studentship awarded by the College of Physical Sciences, University of Aberdeen
  • 2004 Spring semester ERASMUS StudentshipDepartment of Engineering Mathematics, University of Bristol
  • Academic year 2003/2004 Studentship (Köztársasági ösztöndíj) awarded by the Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture for achievements in education and research. (A 0.8% of the undergraduate student population in Hungary may be awarded in each academic year for a period of 10 months.)
  • 1999 National Competitions for Secondary Technical Schools5th and 8th places respectively in two competitions. (Either of these places independently (within the top 10 for each) allowed for admission to any university course for an MEng degree in Hungary)

Publication list:







Office hours: Consultation can be required via e-mail.