Dr. Mészáros Csaba - Institute of Mathematics and Basic Science
Dr. Mészáros, Csaba
Mészáros Csaba
Last modified: 21. January 2024
Dr. habil. Mészáros, Csaba
associate professor
Scientific achievements: PhD 2000; Dr. habil. 2011
Phone: +36 28 522000 / 1553
E-mail: Meszaros.Csaba@uni-mate.hu
Department: Department of Physics
Professional experience: X-ray crystallography, theoretical mathematical physics, advanced non-equilibrium thermodynamics, computer modelling of coupled transport processes
- University of Novi Sad: Assistant Professor (Department of X-ray Cristallography: 1989-1991)
- ELTE TTK: Departmental Engineer (Department of Low Temperature Physics, 1992-1996)
- Szent István University: Department of Physics and Process Contorol, 1996-2021)
- Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gödöllő: Institute of Mathematics and Basic Sciences, Department of Physics (2021-)
Education: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Natural Sciences, 1987, degree in Natural Sciences. Engineering Physicist (MSc)
Research: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, theoretical mathematical physics
Awards and acknowledgements:
- Hungarian State Eötvös Scholarship (417/2002. MÖB)
- György Békésy Postdoctoral Scholarship (BÖ 148/2002.)
- János Bolyai Research Scholarship (BO/00192/05-2005)
- Dean's Compliment 2003
- Dean's Compliment 2010
PhD information: https://doktori.hu/index.php?menuid=192&lang=HU&sz_ID=3479
Publication list: https://m2.mtmt.hu/gui2/?type=authors&mode=browse&sel=authors10001607
Course leadership:
- Physics exercises
- MSc Physics part-time
- PhD subject: Simulation of environmental transport processes
- Doctoral School of Engineering: Theoretical Solid State Physics
Thesis topics:
- Mathematical modelling of turbulent flows
- Phase transitions in nanostructures
Office hours: By appointment